
SALDUS SECONDARY SCHOOL – School For A Better Tomorrow
Saldus Secondary school is located in Saldus - a town south-west of Latvia nestled in a cozy valley next to the river and lake. School was established in 2016 as a result of reorganization process of the school network. It offers educational programmes for pre-school, primary and secondary level are organized in two buildings. In total around 630 students age 5-19 are learning in the school, accompanied by 70 teachers and 40 technical employees.
The school pursues an environmental education and green approach by acknowledging care of the nearby forest, organizing outdoor classes in the specially set “green class” and focusing on involvement of outdoor education elements. In addition, school has been awarded with the Green Flag and received status of eco-school.
After classes, pupils occupy themselves in various interest-related activities offered by school, such as - French language, theatre, sports (swimming, floorball, sports games), music (choir and ensemble), creative arts, handicraft and economics (student companies).