
Our school, Fundación Marillac - Colegio la Milagrosa, is located in the city of Úbeda, a town in the centre of Jaén province - a historic town known for its 16th century architecture and which is also one of the main centres of olive oil production in the province, and indeed the whole of Spain. Úbeda is also a centre for services for the surrounding region, and has many government departments, banks and other such businesses which service the many towns and villages which surround it. There is also a small industrial sector, which mainly services the olive industry through the production of farm machinery. There is a growing tourism sector, too.
Our school is a mixed school teaching around 600 children from 3-16 years old, in two parts, a lower school for the younger children, and an upper school for the older children. In term of staff, there are around 40 teachers and we have a ‘bilingual’ group of around 15 teachers.